5 Ways to Disguise Thinning Hair
It's inevitable - at some point in your life, your luscious locks will begin to thin. It's often a side effect of aging, but other women experience hair loss due to stress or hormone imbalances. O, The Oprah Magazine explained that as many as 60 percent of women have thinning hair. If you've noticed a bit more of your scalp is beginning to show through your hair and you're not happy about it, try a few of these tricks to make your mane look fuller and thicker.
Hair loss can actually be a side effect of several medications, even if it's not the most common or concerning. Certain birth control pills that affect your hormones can have that effect, as well as medications for mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. You can look up side effects online to see if others have experienced similar hair loss or talk to your doctor about the possibility. If that's the case, he or she may be able to change your dose or prescription.
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When it comes to shampoo, conditioner and your other favorite hair products, there are some that can help you feel more comfortable with thinning hair and others that only exacerbate the situation. Dry shampoo is a great invention that's useful any time you're in a pinch. However, skipping a real wash more than two days in a row can have a negative effect on the thickness of your mane. According to Prevention magazine, too much dry shampoo can clog your hair follicles. Beneficial products include shampoo for dry and flaky scalps, the source explained, because scratching your head often can pull your hair out of the follicles. Try KÉRASTASE Specifique Bain Prévention to normalize scalp imbalances and immediately volumize, or KÉRASTASE Densifique Masque Densité to thicken hair from root to tip.
There are a few different ways to style your hair that can hide thin patches. O, The Oprah Magazine suggested keeping your strands short so there isn't extra weight on them that will show more scalp, and go for minimal layers so your hair looks thicker overall. However, Prevention magazine recommended opting for a short pixie-cut type style with lots of layers. When you wear your shorter hair purposefully messy, it can look healthier and fuller. If your hairline is starting to recede, the answer may be thick bangs that start further back on your head to cover the very top of your forehead.
Changing the color of your hair can also mask the areas where it's thinning out. Lighter hair, such as various shades of blonde can be more effective than brown or black hair because it's closer to the color of your scalp. At the same time, it's important to only dye or highlight your hair when it's necessary because you can over process and damage it if you put chemicals in your locks too often.
It's no secret that hot styling products can damage your hair over time, especially if you don't use a product that protects your locks. Whether you're into curling, straightening or blow-drying your locks, all that hot air dries your hair out and makes it more brittle. If you're attached to your signature hairstyle, don't apply heat to your hair without protecting it. Additionally, try to take days off from styling every once in a while to give your hair a day off, like on those weekend afternoons when you are spending time at home.
However, it's also true that a certain degree of blow-drying can give your hair the volume you're looking for. Don't forget to add a product to it, but then bend over and use the dryer to give your roots lift. You can even tease the hair a little bit to make it more effective. KÉRASTASE Volumifique Spray Volume gives instant volume and substance to the hair, leaving it light and airy.
There are two common ways that you may be putting unnecessary strain on your strands. First of all, you may be helping your hair thin if you often wear it tightly pulled back in a ponytail or bun, especially while sleeping. Find a comfortable balance of wearing your hair up and down, and experiment with other styles that don't put the same pressure on your scalp. For example, sleep with your hair in a loose braid and a thick headband to keep it off your face without damaging it.
Secondly, it's not healthy to aggressively towel dry your hair after the shower. While it may be the quickest and most effective way to soak up that extra water, the rubbing and tugging motion can break weaker strands. Instead, use the towel to scrunch the moisture as much as possible, then use a wide-toothed comb to get the tangles out.
For more hair care tips, click here. Don't forget to share your healthy hair journey with us by tagging @timetospa on Facebook or Instagram. Cheers to happy, healthy hair.