How will the stars and planets affect your love life, friendships, career, mood swings and health this month? Uranus is the star of the show in May, inspiring feelings of rebellion and innovation. With some crazy cosmic activity on the radar, it's bound to be a vibrant month.

Find your zodiac sign below for the details!

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

It's birthday season for some of you Tauruses out there! Celebrate by taking a risk or embarking on a new endeavor, as the planets will have you feeling more courageous than usual. If you've been considering making radical changes in your lifestyle, habits, style, love life or career, May is the month to go for it.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Whether your birthday is in May or you're preparing for the special day to come next month, channel the celebratory vibes by stepping outside your comfort zone. Always trust your intuition, but be open-minded to the new opportunities that the planets bring your way this month.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Get out there, Crab! May is about finding new friends, joining new groups and making moves toward your future goals. Changes are afoot, so don't be thrown off by them. The stars and planets will help you out by giving you extra energy, charm and grace in May.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

The planets may guide you to the epiphany you've been waiting for - so get ready for potential shifts at work or in your personal relationships. They should be positive changes, so get ready to shine, Lion!

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

May might be a tad difficult for detail-oriented Virgos, as the planets will have you wondering about your purpose and role in life. Challenge yourself to see the big picture and set new goals. Explore new possibilities, as they could lead to new hobbies, relationships and adventures.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Feeling emotional, yet? The planets are digging at your heartstrings this month, so be mindful of keeping balance. You're likely to want to help others, but don't forget about focusing on self-care and discovery as well. That means dealing with your internal conflicts in addition to helping friends with theirs!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Get connected, Scorpio! May will inspire you to launch a new professional partnership, commit to your current love interest or get closer to new friends. Feel the love, don't be afraid to be intimate and go with the flow.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

It's time to start believing in yourself and building a life that highlights your strengths and interests. Create the routines that will make you happy, whether it's finally committing to a healthier diet or putting your well-being before professional responsibilities. Trust yourself - and don't get too caught up overthinking.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

You'll be feeling the creative and romantic vibes this month, so get ready to have fun and express yourself. Don't obsess over life goals or practicality. Let yourself commit to what you're enjoying right now - anything from finishing a book series to getting exclusive in your love life. Follow your heart this month, Capricorn!

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

The planets will be making you think about home in May. Whether it's redefining what home means, going back to your roots or finding new ones, you may feel inclined to make moves to suit your new perceptions of home. Alternatively, you may be looking to reconnect with family and friend groups, or even find an entirely new tribe.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

You might surprise yourself this month, Pisces, as the planets will have you feeling even more intuitive than normal. Trust these insights, but be mindful of giving yourself some mental breaks so you don't get too overwhelmed. May might also bring changes to your home, interests, luck and career.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

You're likely to experience some mega changes this month, Aries. This is part of re-centering yourself after birthday celebrations, but it could also include fundamental shifts in your values, resources and identity. Take them in your stride and be your own authority.

