These Grocery Store Staples Fight Inflammation
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Puffy eyes? Swelling cheeks? Red spots? Uh oh, these symptoms of inflammation are not exactly a recipe for looking and feeling your best self.
The food and drinks you consume can either be the villains or heroes in the case of inflammation. As such, being mindful of the foods you eat can help combat the frustrating symptoms.
Add these foods to your grocery list to fight inflammation in your face and body:
Lots of veggies
Vegetables are always a good choice, with broccoli, kale, spinach, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers and mushrooms topping the anti-inflammatory list. Challenge yourself to include veggies in at least two meals every day, and earn bonus points if you make it for all three meals plus snacks.
The right fruits
According to Cooking Light, cherries and berries are among the top anti-inflammatory foods. When the fruits themselves aren't in season, consider using frozen ones in your smoothies or trying fruit-enriched salad dressings. Avocados, tomatoes, and grapes are also top-notch choices.
Whole grains
Always choose whole grains over refined ones. Don't worry, you'll still be spoiled for choice in the whole grains department, which includes quinoa, barley, brown rice, farro, oats, and corn. Bon Appetit also has some hot tips on how to cook with these whole grains.
Verywell Health suggested spicing up your turmeric and ginger for some anti-inflammatory flavor. Fenugreek and cinnamon can also reduce swelling and puffiness.
Fatty fish
If you love salmon, you're in luck. The Omega-3 fats not only help reduce inflammation but also boost the body's production of anti-inflammatory compounds. As such, Cooking Light recommended eating oily fish like salmon several times each week.
Bad foods to avoid
On the villain side of things, make sure these inflammation-inducing foods don't end up in your shopping bags:
- Sugary beverages, like soda and fruit juices
- Refined carbs, including white bread and pasta
- Processed meat and snack foods, such as hot dogs, chips, crackers and so on
- Processed seed and vegetable oils
- Desserts. (Well, treat yourself but don't go overboard)
- Alcohol. (At least in excessive amounts.
The main takeaway: Always choose nutrient-rich foods with antioxidants and stay away from processed products.
Beyond the food you choose
You can make some lifestyle changes alongside your anti-inflammatory diet to make sure the swelling and puffiness stay away for good. Healthline advised getting sufficient sleep, exercising regularly and trying supplements. The ELEMIS Cleansing Deep Drainage Body Enhancement Capsules, for instance, can eliminate toxins and reduce internal inflammation while the ELEMIS Cellular Recovery Skin Bliss Capsules help detox the skin to counteract the effects of aging and pollution that can cause unwanted puffiness.
Your skincare routine can also get an anti-inflammation upgrade, with products like the ELEMIS Cellutox Active Body Oil, facial oils and eye serums.
Here's to calm, cool and collected skin - sans any hints of inflammation!